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Evolution of Wisdom Season Parenting—Background and Influences

From personal experiences to formal education, the journey that has brought me here, to you.

Early Years

Childhood was, at least in my eyes, idyllic. We lived amidst the poverty and hardship of an Appalachian coal mining community but my prevailing memories are of my family, the beauty of the landscape, the resilience of the people, and a sense of adventure.

As a teen in upstate New York, experiencing the strain of my own family dynamics, I saw the need for ongoing support for the emotional health of all families; to minimize the need for professional crisis intervention by giving parents the skills to meet their own and their children’s emotional needs.


A psychology student at SUNY Geneseo in the early 1970s, I was fortunate to study under two groundbreaking thinkers in the fields of psychology and philosophy, Dr. Margaret Matlin and Dr. Ervin Laszlo, inspiring new ways of thinking about the interconnected nature of the human experience.


As a new mother, determined to be a guiding force in my childrens’ development and education, I read the progressive parenting books of the day by Dr. Benjamin Spock and Dr. T. Berry Brazelton, explored early childhood learning through the work of Magda Gerber, Maria Montessori, and unschooling with author/educator John Holt.

Life happens; and when my son and daughter were four and two years old respectively, my husband and I divorced and I found myself raising them with nearly all family, mine or their father’s, physically or otherwise unavailable. As I navigated the challenges of providing for my children’s physical, emotional, social and educational needs over the next 18 years with full time work (first at our local high school then a 34 year career with a multinational law firm) I seized every opportunity to learn more; to be the best mother I could be. My personal growth and relationship with my children was influenced greatly by Marshall Rosenberg and the Center for Nonviolent Communication.

As a grandmother, I became aware of the challenges of a new generation of families. I felt a renewed calling to bring a research and experienced based, compassionate and very personal approach to serving families.

Continuing Education and Training

During my children’s school years and because of my background, I was able to take advantage of several unique opportunities to further my own learning and help others. I accepted a part time position I held for over 10 years as a facilitator of EFY family life education programs for Seven Lakes Girl Scout Council, focusing on relationship skills and health (including sexual/reproductive health, hygiene and nutrition) to empower girls and young women. In this role I was fortunate to participate in an intensive training in adolescent sexual and reproductive health and pregnancy delay with Dr. Michael Carrera at The Children’s Aid Society, New York, NY.

Later I trained and volunteered as facilitator of the Nurturing Parenting Program for Parents Anonymous of Wayne County and Parents Interested in Nurturing Effectively (P.I.N.E.) classes for Wayne County Action Program.

My approach to our lives as parents has evolved over time, informed by experience and continuing exploration of the field, influenced especially by contemporary developmental psychologists, holistic thinkers and educators like L.R. Knost, Dr. Gabor Maté, Dr. Shefali Tsabary, Dr. Gordon Neufeld, and others.

As I contemplated active retirement and how I might best support healthier families in my community, l saw the needs of families experiencing separation and divorce for more options for personalized support, including nationally recognized parenting classes, leading to my becoming a certified Breakthrough Parenting (™) facilitator and parenting coach. I also became trained and continue in the joyful experience of being a Tinkergarten leader.

I am honored to be able to offer your family the culmination of my journey with personalized support and evolved insights grounded in research, with compassion and respect for the dignity and humanity of every parent and the precious lives entrusted to your care.

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